And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone;
I will make him a helper comparable to him.”
Genesis 2:18

ThisLuv Navigation Guide


How to Use ThisLuv Site

There are three options on how to use the site and they are as follows:
1. Desktop
2. Handheld Device
3. Apps

1. How to Use the Site on the Desktop

1.1 Signing-up

Ensure when signing up you have a profile picture at hand with the following requirements:

Your photo must be:
- In colour
- Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera
- Your full face must be visible
- Taken within the last year to reflect your current appearance
- Contact numbers may not be displayed
- No children may be in the profile picture
- No revealing images
- No photoshopped or distorted images
- No text on image

Your profile will then be sent for approval and will be approved by ThisLuv Admin, accounts that upload without profile pictures or with prohibited content will be deleted and you will need to start your account again.

Ensure to double, triple, check your email before your registration is complete because you will be sent an email to verify your account. You will not be able to utilise the site until you have verified your email.

1.2 Verification Status (Blue Tick Badge)

A verification feature has been added to minimise cat-fishing as far as possible and to make the site as safe as possible for all. Verification allows for other members to feel comfortable engaging with you. Verification is only applied to the profile picture, written content is not verified. In order to verify your profile picture, to prove you are authentic, and receive a verified badge, kindly follow the following 10 simple steps:

1) Log in.
2) Click “Dashboard” on the top ribbon/panel.
3) There will be text written “verification status”. Beneath it will be a tick in a grey bubble. Click “Get started”.
4) You will be re-directed to a page where you will verify your membership.
5) On the page find your member verification code and write it down on a piece of paper.
6) Minimise your browser.
7) Take a selfie with your written code (ensure code is visible/easy to read).
8) Upload your selfie and click “SAVE”.
9) ThisLuv Admin will review your selfie and code as well as your current profile picture, to see if they correlate.
10) In 24hrs you will receive your verified badge.

Please note photoshopped pictures are not allowed and will be rejected. No children, nudity and pets allowed in picture. Failure to upload an authentic picture after the 3rd attempt, account will be suspended.

1.3 Photo Album

We advise to add at least 3-5 photos of yourself, full body, and including your lifestyle e.g. work related, everyday task, holiday, sports etc, so that other members can understand your lifestyle. Try as far as possible to upload photos related to your lifestyle.

1.4 Content Available on Desktop

The following are available only on desktop version:
- Gift Shop
- Forums
- Blogs
- Events
- Verification Status (blue tick badge)
- Daily Devout
- Subscription specials

The above content is only available on desktop, not on apps.

2. How to Use the Site on a handheld Device (Phones and Tablets)

2.1 Using Site via Safari/Chrome/Explorer on Handheld devices

When you enter the website for ThisLuv on your internet page, the site will pop up in what is known as a lite-version (this is a compressed version of the site). The advantage of this page is that it gives some of the desktop content in easy to use way.

In order to have full access on the site, click the three lined tab (button), top left-hand side of page. Then click desktop version.

The page will reload the desktop version where you can sign-up or sign-in and have full access to all ThisLuv content.

3. How to Use ThisLuv App

3.1 Download App

You can download ThisLuv app for free on both the Google Play store and Apple iStore. Paid members will be able to use all features. Free members will have limited usage of features and adverts on their app.

3.2 App Features

The key feature is SpeedMatch. It allows you to search, view and chat with members in an instant.

Free memberships will be able to:
- New user signup: Can sign up through registration form, if don’t have or want to use Facebook
- Facebook Connect: Instant signup with your Facebook account
- Email verification: For regular (non-Facebook) registrations

Paid memberships will be able to (including above):
- User search: Search/view other singles – search filter/ enter search criteria
- Real-time messaging: strike an instant connection– chat online
- Photos: Upload photos, take photos, organize albums
- Location: search by current location for other singles in your area
- In- app purchases: pay for membership on app
- Hotlist: paid feature to be visible for a certain period of time on top
- Push notifications: notifications of a new message and new match
- Bookmarks: Save people you like for later interaction
- Who viewed me: able to see who has visited your profile
- Content reporting: You can report a spammer or a user acting against terms and conditions, through blocking or flagging profile

Be Wise

Interact with members who have verified photo status .
Verify your photo. Receive a verification badge, free of charge!

Food for the Spirit

Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted throughout the earth.

Psalm 46:10 (NKJV)


