And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone;
I will make him a helper comparable to him.”
Genesis 2:18

Frequently Asked Questions


How long after signing-up and completing the registration form does my profile take to be approved?

It takes between 0 -24 hours for your profile to be approved, if all fields are filled in. If, the profile picture is not added profile will be provisionally approved. Grace of 3 days is given to upload a profile picture, failing to do so will result in account not being approved. Please contact support to resolve.

If I paid through the App will I be able to use the desktop version and vice versa?

Yes, free and paid membership can be used through any platform ThisLuv offers. If you started on an app but want to use the desktop, simply just login through a desktop to use site, similarly if you started on desktop but want to use the app, just download and login through app.

What if I forgot to add something to my profile or want to edit my profile, what do I do?

Simply click on the person shaped icon, click “profile edit” and add or edit content to the fields/answer blocks. Click, “save”. Account edits will be approved within 24 hours.

I forgot my password, how do I recover it?

Click Forgot Password. Enter your email. An email should arrive in your inbox within a few minutes. Simply follow the steps. If you cannot locate it, please check your spam folder and ensure to save our email to your contact list, so you never have to search for our mail again.

What if I have a suggestion for the site?

You can email us at: feedback@thisluv.com or click on contact us on your profile page at the bottom of the page and send us a message through the site.


Be Wise

Interact with members who have verified photo status .
Verify your photo. Receive a verification badge, free of charge!

Food for the Spirit

Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted throughout the earth.

Psalm 46:10 (NKJV)


